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To help develop initiatives by working collaboratively with other workers and agencies in the area, which engage both church and community in tackling social and economic disadvantage. To encourage a continuing theological reflection on local issues and opportunities by the local communities and church(es), both locally and more widely, including with the members, elders and minister(s) of the United Reformed Churches. Priorities To work alongside and with the churches and groups which meet on the premises. In the short term, the priority will be to work with the local steering group to identify the needs, assets and opportunities in the local area and to establish short, medium and long term goals. Early indicators of areas of concern are the needs of and opportunities for 10-16 year olds, people with disabilities, and vulnerable and isolated people. Medium term goals will be to enable the church(es) and community groups develop and sustain initiatives in response to these issues and opportunities. Long term goals will be to develop community life sufficiently to a point where church(es) and communities take full responsibility for their own initiatives. Person Specification The deployed person will have appropriate qualifications in community work and theology (see the United Reformed Church book on Church Related Community Work). They will be; Willing and able to develop their theology with local people. Able to communicate with a variety of people. Willing to work patiently and persistently with church structures. Ready to work ecumenically and collaboratively. Able to take initiatives and work flexibly while always seeking support and consent. Able to build confidence and develop skills in others. Be willing to enter into the spiritual life of the church-in-community. Be committed to working with local people to tackle injustice and inequality of opportunity, including racial, gender and disability issues, Be able to work on their own initiative, in a non-directive manner, and have basic skills in pastoral work. Be a person with a strong well-developed faith, who sees their work as a natural expression of that faith. Be committed to helping church people develop their ways of relating to their local community. Be open to working sensitively with people of other faiths and of no faith, and with other local agencies both secular and religious. Be open to new ideas and ways of thinking. Have or be willing to acquire quickly, basic word processor skills. Be willing to work flexible hours, including evenings and weekends, as the work requires, with time off in lieu. Be prepared to work as a member of a team valuing its support and contributing to its development. Be comfortable approaching and befriending a wide variety of people within our local community. A willingness to become an active member of this church entering fully into the life of the congregation. It is desirable and helpful if the person has Word processing skills A clean driving licence A willingness to live locally or in an equivalent area Have had previous experience of multi-racial, multi-faith, inner-city situations and work contexts. Role Description It is expected that the CRCW will be engaged in contextual theology based on experience, social analysis, theological reflection and leading to a committed and informed response. The main duties are: To get to know the area in which the other three churches are situated. Learn about the culture through listening to and talking with people who live and work there. It is anticipated that a church and community group will have been established which will be a resource for the CRCW for this stage and throughout the process of reaching a committed and informed response to community needs and opportunities. There is a community profile prepared by a mission group with some information supplied by the local steering group. With the church and community group undertake social analysis to see how the structures of society have contributed to experiences of injustice. This will lead on to theological reflection when the analysed experience will be understood in the light of a living faith, scriptures, Christian teaching and tradition. From this shared vision of the Kingdom of God, to help the group to prioritise suggestions and work out a committed and informed response. (This process will be ongoing). To affirm the power of local people and to encourage the development of new partnerships between the church(es) and agencies within local communities in the implementation of the response. E.g. this could include helping local people to take up training, volunteering and paid work opportunities. It could also lead to assisting local people to promote more participation in the political democratic process through creating a community forum. To enable the other churches and as many people in local communities as possible to understand and own the process involved in constructing a local theology of mission. To assist the Synod in constructing Strategies for Mission. To participate in the life and mission of the church(es) and associated services as a member of a team. To explore how the church(es) buildings can be developed creatively as a resource for local people and to meet community needs. To network with community, voluntary, business and statutory services in the area. To help the church(es) and local communities to secure appropriate financial resources. This will include making applications for funding to Trusts etc. and participating in the Single Regeneration Bid, the Education and Health Action Zone process. To represent the church(es) on any appropriate organisations, especially those related to community development work and consultations about community issues. To encourage ecumenical co-operation in the area served by the church(es). To promote Equal Opportunities policies and equal participation in community activities etc., challenging any discriminatory practices. To provide regular reports to the local steering group. In consultation with the local steering group, to arrange for a personal support group. To keep adequate records and financial information. To undertake relevant training. To only undertake additional work in agreement with the local steering group Person Specification It is essential that the CRCW has the ability to reflect as well as to be able to initiate. The ability to work independently and to take responsibility for their work but also to work as a member of a team and to accept their accountability to the local steering group. To be able to motivate and encourage people to face challenge and change, empowering them through the process. To be able to work with initiative, progressing their work through the different stages to produce a committed and informed response and then to involve others in the implementation. To have good written and verbal skills. Ideally to be able to use a PC or be willing to learn. To be able to keep financial records and make applications for funding. To understand and be committed to the importance Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and anti-discriminatory practice. At least 2 years experience of community work. Ability to relate to a wide cross-section of people. Ability to listen. Proven record of developing community initiatives. Commitment to this role. Commitment to equal opportunities practice Ability to manage their work. Effective verbal and written skills. Ability to enable others to reflect theologically on community issues. Ability to work in partnership with others. Experience of work in an urban, multi-cultural area. Experience of a range of styles of church worship. Experience of leading church worship. Experience of working with children and young people. CRCW Role Summary To identify needs and opportunities in the local communities and develop initiatives that improve the lives of local people. To enable the development of the skills and confidence of local people, and to develop partnership between church and community members and groups. To enable and resource theological reflection on our engagement with local communities. Main Duties To support the church in developing its community presence and engagement, mission and outreach. To play a full part in the leadership; working collaboratively with the Minister and joint Church Council at x. Foster and build good relationships with local communities. To work with local people to identify assets and areas of need and opportunity within the local neighbourhood and to facilitate the planning of responses to those needs and opportunities (primarily based around the New Cross area). To identify, affirm and support the skills and potential of people within the neighbourhood and to encourage the development of partnerships between the churches and local communities in implementing the response to local needs and opportunities. To be involved in the life and mission of x churches. To help church members to reflect theologically on their experience of mission and community engagement. To participate in the wider structures of the church(es) and to help inform its mission and its theology of mission. To network with voluntary, community, social enterprise and statutory services in the area. To represent the church(es) on any appropriate organisations, especially those related to community development work and consultations about community issues. To work collaboratively with the Synod Mission Development Officer. To encourage ecumenical and inter-faith co-operation in the area To promote Equal Opportunities policies and equal participation in community activities etc., challenging any discriminatory practices. To help to secure appropriate financial resources to build in longer term sustainability for xChurch and community Centre To provide regular reports to the Local Steering Group and relevant Synod Committees Person Specification Essential: E1 Enthusiasm and (realistic) ambition for the project, sharing our passion for social justice E2 Accreditation as a URC Church Related Community Worker E3 Knowledge and experience of theory and practice of approaches to community outreach, community organising and community development E4 Ability to reflect theologically and develop practice accordingly E5 Commitment to working to tackle injustice and inequality of opportunity. E6 Ability to interact with people of all different backgrounds E7 Good interpersonal skills E8 Ability to administer with efficiency and empathy E9 Ability to be both practical and strategic E10 Ability to work both autonomously and collaboratively Desirable: D1 Experience of working in a similar setting D2 Experience of supervision D3 Effective administrative, computer and IT skills D4 Willingness to work flexible hours, including evenings and weekends, as the work requires CRCW Role Description Purpose The CRCW will enable and empower local people and the Church to work together towards taking full responsibility for initiatives to tackle social and economic disadvantage in the x area, and to improve the quality of life of the local neighbourhood and communities. The underlying belief for this is the hope that is given in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, and the mission of God given to the Church. Priorities To continue to work with, support and develop the groups which meet on the premises of the church. To develop relationships with individuals, organisations and agencies in x through listening to and talking with people who live and/or work locally. To enable the Church to organise and develop partnership initiatives in response to the opportunities and needs identified through these relationships. Mission Priorities: Supporting families affected by abuse and violence; Working among young people to build self-esteem; Developing skills (for young people and others, for employment, enterprise and social skills); Combating substance misuse In addition, priorities will be agreed depending upon skills and experience of the CRCW appointed. Role description The CRCW would be expected:( To consult widely with local people about their aspirations and needs and to work together to create appropriate initiatives to respond to these aspirations and needs. To work with the people from the Church to update any existing community profiles and to use these to develop relationships within the local neighbourhoods. To build upon the relationships already established between local residents, community groups, the schools, the college, and the Church. ( To develop their work in co-operation with local agencies and to liaise with statutory bodies, the business sector and voluntary organisations, including other churches and faith groups, and to develop initiatives by working collaboratively. Where appropriate, to tackle social and economic disadvantage, particularly looking into family life and old age isolation. To be aware of and to take account of cultural issues such as ethnicity, social inclusion, diversity and equality, and to work in a non-judgemental manner. To recruit, support and train, as necessary, volunteers from the Church and local community groups to work within the local neighbourhoods holding to a robust Safeguarding policy. To be involved in the spiritual life of the Church, not necessarily in Sunday worship, and to enable church members to develop their gifts in ministry to the area. To enable church members to theologically reflect on their role in the local neighbourhood. To support and regularly meet with and report to the Local Steering Group and ensure that an annual report is produced. Person Specification: The successful candidate will: Be a URC accredited Church Related Community Worker Have knowledge and experience of the theory and practice of approaches to community outreach, community organising and community development. Be able to reflect theologically upon their community work practice and be able to help others do the same Be committed to working with local people to tackle injustice and inequality of opportunity, including racial, gender and disability issues. Be able to work on their own initiative but also be effective working in a team. Be a catalyst, able to encourage and support local initiatives by working in partnership without taking over Be a person with an active Christian faith, who sees Church Related Community Work as a natural expression of that faith. Be committed to helping church members develop ways of relating to (other) local residents and community organisations Be open to working sensitively with people of other faiths and of no faith, and with all other local agencies, be they secular or religious. Be a seeker after visions though with a good dose of realism Be open to new concepts and ways of thinking Have effective administrative, computer & IT skills. Have effective time management skills Be enthusiastic and passionate about community development Be willing to work flexible hours, including evenings and weekends, as the work requires, with time off in lieu. The CRCW called to this post will: share our passion for social justice and be able to reflect theologically on their community work practice and be able to help others do the same be a URC accredited Church Related Community Worker have a good knowledge and experience of the theory and practice of community development be committed to working with local people to tackle injustices and inequalities have, or be willing to gain, a clear understanding and sensitivity to our contexts both locally, and within the Wessex Synod be good at empowering and enthusing other people, building confidence and developing skills be perceptive and able to envisage possible future scenarios while also being realistic have a good sense of humour have good time management and communication skills be able to work flexibly and on their own initiative while always seeking support of, and recognising their accountability to, the Local Steering Group have skills in pastoral work including being a good listener be open to new ideas and ways of thinking be down to earth and approachable  %&'+56Df1 P K ] s    ' - 5 8 C Ʒhy$h#[OJQJ^JaJhy$hu 5OJQJ^JaJhy$hjOJQJ^JaJhy$hu OJQJ^JaJhy$hy$OJQJ^JaJh4`+OJQJ^JaJhy$hc5OJQJ^JaJhy$hcOJQJ^JaJ6&'56      & F  & F & F & F $^a$gdj^gdu C G z    * + D O g w | );UYlwyzhmz}lh4`+OJQJ^JaJhy$h*`>OJQJ^JaJhy$hc5OJQJ^JaJhy$hcOJQJ^JaJhy$hy$OJQJ^JaJD yzlm{|+[/(x & F lmqyz{|+[-/(-xX-JK`a\brs\hy$hc5OJQJ^JaJhy$hu OJQJ^JaJh+TOJQJ^JaJh4`+OJQJ^JaJhy$hcOJQJ^JaJhy$OJQJ^JaJDXJK`ars\ & F  & F  & F \]b&OT]`7;kl     @ A \ c j m ;!*OJQJ^JaJhiOJQJ^JaJhy$hcOJQJ^JaJh+Th+TOJQJ^JaJhcOJQJ^JaJh+TOJQJ^JaJh+ThcOJQJ^JaJ?''((((G(H(f(g((((())7)8)k)l))))))))))gdi & F )))))))))))))))))))))))))***!*'*/*2*r*s***++L+R+Z+]+^+_+`+k+l++++++,",',6,9,;,<,=,f,w,x,y,,,,,,,,!-4-_-`-a----hiOJQJ^JaJhihiOJQJ^JaJhihi5OJQJ^JaJhi5>*OJQJ^JaJN)))))))))))))))))))))))s*+_+`+l+ & F2gdigdil++=,y,a-X...m//j0k000{1|11M2N2d2e2p22 333"4b44gdi & F3gdi--....D.W.X........k/l/m/////0/030;0i0j0k0p00000z1{1|11111112L2M2N2O2V2c2d2e2o2p2223 3a3333үhihi>*OJQJ^JaJ%jhihiOJQJU^JaJhiOJQJ^JaJmH sH $hihiOJQJ^JaJmH sH hiOJQJ^JaJhihiOJQJ^JaJ>334444!4"4a4b4~444444555'5(5V5W5s5t555666666 666%6&6667#7+7.777778Ʈzzzzzzzzz1hd-hd-B*OJPJQJ^JaJnH phtH 4hd-hd-5B*OJPJQJ^JaJnH phtH .hd-5B*OJPJQJ^JaJnH phtH hd-hd-OJQJ^JaJhcOJQJ^JaJhihi>*OJQJ^JaJhihiOJQJ^JaJ044455(5W5t5566666&677=88m9999y:z::^gdd-`gdd-gdd- dgdd-gdi8<8=88888l9m9999999:x:y:z:::::: ;<<R=T=>>>ηjQ1hd-hd-B*OJPJQJ^JaJnH phtH 4hd-hd-5B*OJPJQJ^JaJnH phtH 7 *hd-hd-6B*OJPJQJ^JaJnH ph"""tH +hd-hd-6OJPJQJ^JaJnH tH -hd-hd-B*OJQJ^JaJnH phtH .hd-hd-56OJPJQJ^JaJnH tH 1hd-hd-B*OJPJQJ^JaJnH phtH ::<T=>?AAAB5CC DD>DrDEkEEIFF2GG6HsHHH & F5gdd- & F4dgdd- dgdd-gdd->???@@AAAAABBB4C5CCCDD DDD=D>Dᷡ췡EEF12GG56HHHHHH56IIIIIII崳JJJJ;j\{cp/IDg6wZ0s=Dĵw %;r,qlEآyDQ"Q,=c8B,!gxMD&铁M./SAe^QשF½|SˌDإbj|E7C<bʼNpr8fnߧFrI.{1fVԅ$21(t}kJV1/ ÚQL×07#]fVIhcMZ6/Hߏ bW`Gv Ts'BCt!LQ#JxݴyJ] C:= ċ(tRQ;^e1/-/A_Y)^6(p[_&N}njzb\->;nVb*.7p]M|MMM# ud9c47=iV7̪~㦓ødfÕ 5j z'^9J{rJЃ3Ax| FU9…i3Q/B)LʾRPx)04N O'> agYeHj*kblC=hPW!alfpX OAXl:XVZbr Zy4Sw3?WӊhPxzSq]y {D{DD $$$'C l\Z$)-38>Ø4 p;fɑ3׶Vc.ӵn(&poPK!8! 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