Scottish congregations invited to become college members

The Scottish College, a United Reformed Church and Congregational Federation Resource Centre for Learning, has been newly established as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation, and has begun to operate as the formal legal structure underpinning college life.

Under the constitution of the new college all congregations of the United Reformed Church (URC) and of the Congregational Federation based in Scotland are entitled to be members of the College.

Local URC churches will shortly be asked to confirm their willingness to be members of the College and to nominate a representative to attend College General Meetings.

The move followed a period of consultation and a number of routine and extraordinary meetings.

This change of status was marked at the College Annual Service, on 17 September, which was led by Revd Tom Wilson Chair of the Congregational Federation in Scotland.

During the service, the Revd Lindsey Sanderson was thanked for her eight years of service as tutor with the College and the Revd Fiona Bennett was welcomed as a new member of tutorial staff.

At the same service a new student, Michael Topple from Eastern Synod, was welcomed.

The college currently has eight students training for Ministry of Word and Sacrament.

A short reflection on recent changes was offered at the Service. You can view it .